Saturday, March 28, 2009

Memories ..... a tradition continues

"Mom's Cinnamon Rolls"

Today I was up exceptionally early - 5.00 a.m. believe it or not - on a weekend! Once I am up I am completely awake so I have learned to just get up. (After all it is the weekend I can always have a nap if I need it.) Fortunately I am a morning person and enjoy my morning ritual of readings, pray and coffee with my little dog Chloe. We have quite the morning routine Miss Chloe and I and we both enjoy every minute of it. But this am, knowing that I didn't have to go to work and I had an extra hour, I had the urge to bake cinnamon buns.

As I looked for that old familiar recipe, I always think of Mom. The recipe is in my Mom's hand writing and on her basic white pad of paper. Nothing fancy just practical. That was Mom. I think to myself that the recipe is fading but I will keep using it. I know that I will have to rewrite it one of these days but not today.

I do not think of Mom everyday as we really were never that close. We never shared any secrets or hopes or dreams. I never had those heart to heart conversations that some daughters have with their mom's or even like the ones that I have with my girls regularly. That just wasn't who Mom was with me or with very many people if any to be truthful. And I am completely fine with that. But what we did share is the art of baking and cooking.

How I do appreciate Mom for teaching me all of the domestic responsibilities in life. I can bake, cook, preserve, house clean and grow a garden. Things that in many people these days is a dying art. So many of my friends simply can't bake or cook. So I am thrilled to be able to create a wonderful home cooked meal.

I have always said that if times get really bad, I can always feed myself and I could always be a great cleaning lady!! lol

So the cinnamon rolls are done - golden brown and placed on my cake plate on the kitchen counter. It is just 9.00 a.m. I wonder how long they will last as it is a revolving door with kids coming and going. But that is how I like it. Enjoy everyone.
Today I dedicate my cinnamon rolls to Mom... thanks Mom for teaching me how to bake and for sharing your recipe.

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