Words of Wisdom
Well I often wonder what I am going to write on the next blog and sometimes I even wonder if I will continue writing this blog. But each and every time I think about putting the bloggin' on hold, there seems to be something happen or someone who inspires me to write to my kids. This happened to me a few days before I arrived in Florida.
So what inspired me? I was reading my Niece's blog and the comments. One of the comments that caught my attention was made by her Mother (my sister Susan) and it gave me pause so I feel that this should be the topic of my next "Lessons from the Heart" for my kids.
(Note: I feel that I can use her words for 2 reasons: they were put on a public blog and my blog has very limited readers and is directed for my children and after all, they are words of wisdom from a paster. I hope you agree Susan)
Here are the words from my Sister to her Daughter:
Michelle: Perhaps if you would take this one step further and realize that the only One we are really responsible to is... God...not humankind at all... then the rest comes much more naturally and easily. God is the One who ultimately forgives us and loves us despite our mistakes. When I finally got my head around that then living this life has been one of happiness despite my continuing to make lots of mistakes and being hurt from time to time. Life is such a blessing and not to be wasted for even a moment. Love, Mom
April 28, 2009 2:24 AM
What wonderful words.
And what truth is in these words.
But how hard to follow them sometimes.
But that is the process of Faith.
So based on the reason for those comments, there are 2 things that I want to share with you today.
1. people do say or do hurtful things
2. and faith
As I read some of my daughters blogs, my niece's blogs and even some of their friends blogs, a reoccurring theme is that people say or do things that hurt them and they just can't believe that someone could have the audacity to be that bold or rude. Well I am here to tell you that they can be, they will continue to be and it will occur at all ages from people you hardly know to even immediate family. It is hard to let go of these hurtful things but believe me but that is the only way that you will continue to have faith in humankind. And to echo my sister's comments, at the end of the day, you are not responsible to them, or your husband or wife, or to your friends, you are responsible to you and to God. At the end of the day (literally), there is nothing more important than your personal faith and to remember who you are ultimately accountable to.
So this brings me to the 2nd part of my blog. Now at the time of this blog, and at the ages that you are all at, Faith may seem to be an odd word or a thing for the future. But someday you may turn to this page again and you will get new meaning from it and it may be exactly what you need for that day.
Faith is not something that you can go out and buy or immediately achieve. It is not something that you do and then you can check it off your list. Faith is a process. You must ask for it. And it comes only after you ask for it. It may be a series of events that occurs in your life or a single event that forces you to get down on your knees and ask for help.
Faith is easily found in the valleys in your life as that is when you are needing help, support, to have your questions answered. But you must take it with you when you are on your mountains of life. That is true faith.
Achieving Faith may be a slow process or an immediate experience. But trust me, you will know when you have it because there will be a clear distinction from the yesterday without it to the day that you have it. And more importantly, just because you have found it.... you need to keep working on it to keep it and to keep it growing. Faith is not stagnant... it needs constant attention and as I said before... in both the valleys and the mountains of your life.

Lessons from the Heart 3.0
What Others Think ABOUT YOU is NONE of your BUSINESS
(the principles of success... jack canfield)
The best advise I can give you is this. What people think or say is none of your business. Who cares. Forget it. Expect it and then you won't be disappointed. And when they say it to your face, silently send them a prayer.... "for they do not know what they do"
People are going to talk about you... especially those ones who have a void in their own life and may be jealous of your boldness, your courage, your craziness, your mistakes, whatever. Remember that perhaps that it is their pain coming out in hurtful words. Bless them silently and move on.
But remember one thing, you choose who you spend time with. Know who is positive and who truly cares and spend time with them.
And remember the times when you did the same to others.. you talked too, I have talked, we all have. Forgive yourself and move forward to another wonderful moment in time.
Remember these things:
Surround yourself with like minded people.
Surround yourself with people you aspire to be like
Surround yourself with people who you can mentor - you can learn something here as well
Eliminate from your life people who bring you down or are not on the same path as you. They are not wrong but they are just not right for you.
Eliminate from your life those people who bring evil influences into your life - who cheat, lie and try to bring you down.
And at the end of the day, remember your Aunt Susan's message...
You are responsible to God not humankind.
Thanks for Sharing Aunt Susan...
Love the MOM!!
Thank you too Aunt CJ....what wise wise words...thank-you for the reminder....
ReplyDeletesometimes I forget and let the little shit bother me...but in the end you and Mom are so right, the only person we are responsible to is God!!
I know I may forget again but I am so lucky to have the 2 of you here to keep me going in the right direction....
love you both
m :)
What a lovely idea, to have a blog for your children. And I really liked this post too.
ReplyDeleteYou have a beautiful family, and that Chloe is just too cute. :-)