I found this on a fellow "Mothers" blogger this week and have saved it in drafts for Mother's Day. It is actually a series of questions to answer whether or not you are like you Mother?
I thought that it was appropriate this year as this year is the first year without my Mom on Mothers day and I have spend much time this year reflecting on my Mother's life and my own life as a Mother. I have really given much thought about what I want my children to know about me hence this blog. And I want them to understand why I am like I am. I want my kids (especially my girls) to understand my strengths (and mimic them) and to understand my personal opportunities (and not mimic them) so that they can evolve to be the best that they can be and be much better than me!!
Are you like your MOM?
Adapted from Oh no, I've become my Mother by Sandra Reishus and borrowed by the blog Of MICE and raMEN.
Answer the following questions and relate them to your own attitude in life.
1. Is your mom for or against plastic surgery?
Mom would be against plastic surgery. For me, unless I had a physical defect or had had an accident/ illness and I needed to be reconstructed, I am not for plastic surgery. For me, there is nothing more beautiful that a mature "fully realized" woman who has aged beautifully and is 100% complete and happy with herself. That beauty cannot be bought nor can the shine and aura that comes from a beautifully aged confident woman.
2. Is she into high fashion or exclusively sweats and sneakers?
Mom was into neither. She was into practical and her dress was very old school. Mom wore pants and dresses. Very seldom did I see her wear shorts and if so they were more like capris. I never ever saw her in a bathing suit. I on the other hand would be both. I am into high fashion when it is appropriate and into yoga pants when it is appropriate. There is nothing worse in my mind seeing a woman over dressed or under dressed based on the event. It's like wearing all of your make up at the pool - crazy! And it's a sign for me that here is a woman who is insecure about herself.
3. Does she travel the globe or only go to the corner store?
Mom would only go to the corner store. I never heard her ever say that she had any desire to travel. Not sure if that was her desire or just what happened in her life. I on the other hand have the desire to travel and am very comfortable with it. I don't need to see all of the world but if I have the desire to go there, I will.
4. Is watching TV her main form of entertainment?
Yes this would have been her main form of entertainment. I have a variety of entertainment including sports, reading, crafts, learning and motivational learning, shopping, travel, the beach, ... and more.
5. Is she always up for a new adventure?
No- no new adventures for Mom. For me, I do like new adventures but unfortunately this lack of adventure in my early years has reduced my risk taking capability. I am aware of it and am pushing through it. Self awareness is the first step eh?
6. Does she love having family around or does she want more 'me' time?
Mom did like having family around but she never really told us. I only found out near the end of her life when she said how she missed and loved having babies around. I was in shock. Who knew? We really didn't know this nor did her or her husbands actions ever show this. In terms of me time, Mom never spoke of needing 'me' time. I guess living on the farm she just never thought of it.
For me... I like both. My kids know I love having them around, a constant revolving door, a big family dinner I love it all. But they also know, I like to have my 'me' time. The difference between me and my Mom... is that I ensure that I get 'me' time. I know that it makes me a better me. My favourite me time is first thing in the am. And all of my kids respect it.
7. Is she mellowing or becoming more cantankerous with age?
Mom would have been mellowing with age.
As for me, I definitely need and must become more mellow with age.
Here's an opportunity for me. And I will get it. I am sure when (and if) I retire (whatever retirements means because doing nothing is not for me) I will become more mellow as I have less on my mind!!
8. Does exercise mean good health to her?
Yes, exercise did mean good health to her. It was in her later years that she had an exercise routine and it was for health as Mom never had a weight problem and she was very beautiful. And for me, yes for sure. Exercise is for health both inside and out!
9. Is she dependent on others because she wants to be taken care of or is she independent, handling her own life willingly?
Mom was dependent I am sorry to say. For me, that is one thing that I vowed that I would not be is dependent. I am quite the opposite. I am very self sufficient. But I am glad that I am and I hope my girls all are too!!
10. Are close friends important to her?
No I would say no but I don't really know what Mom thought herself. Mom was a very private person or her lifestyle forced her to be private. I believe my Mom's best friend was her husband but as I said, I am not sure if she missed some of her girl friends and ladies from the church. For me, my girl friends have been there for me through the worse times of my life. I would do anything for them. And I believe that you really need some very good girl friends.
11. Is she able to express her feelings and listen to others?
Interesting one. I would say no to expressing her feelings but she did listen. Not sure if she was actively listening but she would be there. For me... yes I express myself but I need to improve on listening skills sometimes. Too much on my mind I believe. Some times the kids say, I did tell you and you even said ok. Hmmm it's either my memory or my listening that I have to work on lol.
12. Is she an extremist or middle-of-the-road in politics or religion?
Middles of the road in politics and in religion. Same with me.
13. Does she have a young attitude and enjoy having fun? Or is she serious and lightness isn't a part of her?
No Mom didn't have a young attitude but me... I believe I have a young attitude and I love to have fun... !! I believe that my kids will ensure that I stay young as well my independent will guarantee this as well. I plan on being a very young active grandma!!!
14. Is she completely focused on herself or completely focused on others?
Mom was focused on others. Me.... I am going to say a bit of both. Depends what is needed and who it is. I have no problem helping a stranger, I do help my kids out but my goal is always to have them be independent so I don't do everything for them. So a bit of both for sure.
So how did you fare?
No surprizes to much for me. But I am happy that I have improved in areas that I believe were Mom's opportunities and have identified a couple that I need to work on.
Let's see how much I can improve by the time I hit 50 years old.. which frankly it going to be a great day!!
Happy Mother's Day to all who are Mothers.
And Happy Mother's Day to my Mom who is probably reading this over my shoulder and smiling. She too would have wanted me to be better than her. That's a mother's love.
And to my kids.....
I am so happy that I am your mother. No doubt about that!!
I am very proud of each of you.
love you all
The "MOM"